Check out my new tutorial on implementing CLIP AI, the neural network that connects text and images! In this step-by-step tutorial, I'll walk you through installing the relevant Python libraries and show you how to test CLIP on your own images.
With zero-shot learning capabilities and high performance on ImageNet, CLIP is a valuable tool for businesses and personal projects alike.
If you are interested in learning modern Computer Vision course with deep dive with TensorFlow , Keras and Pytorch , you can find it here :
Perfect course for every computer vision enthusiastic
Before we continue , I actually recommend this book for deep learning based on Tensorflow and Keras :
The link for the tutorial is here:
You may find links for all instructions files, and sample images in the video description.
#CLIPAI #NeuralNetworks #NaturalLanguageProcessing #ComputerVision #Python #Tutorial #ImageAnalysis #ObjectDetection #DeepLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #TransformativeTechnology